At Sociaago, the choice between dwelling on the problems and focusing on the solutions is quickly made. With our Food Logistics Hub, we have opted for a resolutely sustainable economic model. A concentrate of actions that addresses all the challenges of our society. Local and quality products, logistical support for our producers and the organic sector, soft mobility, sustainable employment for people with disabilities.
We are partners of the Shifting Economy week because our economic fabric is at the centre of the societal challenges of this century and we want to share our achievements and values with you. And to show you how easy it is to join us (with a demonstration and a visit). Because it is not in 2030 that we have to realise that we are out of the loop and that our methods are obsolete, that we are no longer entitled to subsidies, no longer have economic outlets, and that the future is being prepared today, come and discover our model, our producers, our installations on 23 November from 2 to 4 pm in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe
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